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We Make a Difference Every Day

We believe in giving back to the community and proudly provide financial support and donate our time to various community programs and organizations. Some of the programs we support include Gateway Community Outreach which exists to help feed hungry families, assist with rent/mortgage and water bill payment to help stabilize and restore self sufficiency in our community. We also support our veterans through Honor Flight, juvenile diabetes through the JDRF and special needs children through Parkland Buddy Sports.

We’re proud to have helped companies get healthy enough to give back to the community themselves, providing a hand up not just a hand out.

As a member of Gateway Community Outreach our Director of Finance Rob Denton, is included in the picture below taken at a recent Gateway Community Outreach event.

Corporate Capital Direct’s Rob and Debra Denton with family at a local fundraising event.
Corporate Capital Direct supporting Parkland Buddies Sports at their annual golf fundraising event.